Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What is love?

I use the concept of “Love” a lot in my thoughts, equating it with All-That-Is, but I don’t know if many people share my definition of Love.  When I mean Love, I mean experiencing unconditional acceptance of that being, be it a person, a planet, a star, a universe—yourself. 

I mean fearless, open, free expression and joy that is ever-new because the Now presents the one constant within Time: Change.  Each moment is a fresh opportunity in which to Be, and nothing is ever exactly the same.  There is movement, constant movement, and where there is no movement, there is Nothing.

When there is no fear, this is where Love dwells.  And because that which exists can neither be created nor destroyed, there is nothing to fear.  The difference between fear and Love often is simply knowing.  When I am afraid, I remind myself that it is because I have forgotten what I am, and that is not the face I wear or the feelings I experience or the thoughts I think I think.  What I am is at once Experiencer and Experienced, and yet I am neither of these things because there is no true distinction between Self and Other. 

Quantum entanglement is a property of matter in which particles that were once close to one another share simultaneous reactions even if they are moved far apart.  If we believe in the Big Bang, all particles are entangled.  If we believe they are arising from a Unified Field, then we are literally One thing, pinches in the fabric of space-time.  This is why fear is so detrimental to us.  It traces lines of imagined separation between us when in reality we are a unified whole, perfectly balanced, lacking nothing.  What we fear are literally illusions, because we are a single, dancing That-Which-Is.

When we say, in bliss, “nothing matters,” it is not a expression of despair and the sense that the self can do nothing.  It is a statement of recognition that regardless of what appears to happen in this world, the Self remains unfettered and unconditionally accepting, looking upon everything as perfect expressions of That-Which-Is.  We only see things as imperfect when we see something as other than What-It-Is.  If a plate is broken, we see it as flawed because we are thinking of it as a plate rather than a broken plate, of which it is a perfect expression.

I once saw that Love meant never saying “no.”  This is not a statement made from a state of mind in which one saw its Self or any other Self with anything to lose, with the possibility of damage or end.  This was said knowing that while the particles that compose the rock are moving about, vibrating, never the same, the rock remained the same from the outside.  Outside of time, looking at the great sea of all possibilities of That-Which-Is, Ever Was, and Ever Could Be, there is the awareness that Change is also an illusion, because the foundation upon which all motion occurs is fundamentally unaltered.  From that perspective, there is no reason to ever say “no,” because everything is just as preferable as nothing else, and it ultimately has no effect on the self. This frees us to unconditionally accept and treasure each experience as a sacred one, whether the self watches itself experience great joy or great agony.

We often seek things that are actually side effects.  We seek true love, but often don’t know how to make ourselves truly loving.  If limitation is ever sought to be placed on another being, we fall short of being truly loving.  We often mourn our losses and experience deep emotional pain as a result of our expectation’s failure to be met.  Here is another part of love:  unattachment. This is different from detachment.  If love is dependent upon the meeting of your expectations, it is not unconditional, not free.  If we experience separation from those we love, it is due to our lack of awareness of our unity.  This doesn’t have anything to do with some separate God somewhere out there.  The only Divinity you will ever know is the Self within, the Self we misappropriate thoughts and feelings to, personalities and forms.  The Self and All-That-Is are One Perfect Be-ing, unlimited, eternal, infinite.

1 comment:

klaus s said...

Unconditional love is Self love.