In geometry, there first comes a singularity or point. A dot we draw to represent it is merely a representation and approximation, being totally arbitrary. It Exists, but does not Experience, for there is nothing else to experience. Thus, it is not Aware of itself. A point could be placed anywhere within the matrix, or it could be the entire matrix itself, undifferentiated. This is the 0 dimension.
Next comes another point, and the space between them becomes a line. One point represents Observer and one represents Observed. Here is differentiation. There is the potential to be Aware and Experience, but may only experience the Eternal Observed, not necessarily recognizing that there is an Observer. This is the 1 dimension.
Next comes another point, and now there are Two to experience where before there was only one. The experience of Time begins, for the Observer can experience point one, Then point two. A line of Experience begins. This is the 2 dimension.
In the third dimension, Experience takes form. Distinct forms allow the Observer to experience Self as a form itself, and although it has been capable of experiencing Self in earlier dimensions, it is far easier to experience self-distinction when witnessing the experiences and self-distinction of the Other. This is the realm of the physical.
While in the third dimension, it is difficult to explain or experience the fourth dimension, as it would be difficult to explain to a triangle on a flat plane that there is an up and a down in addition to its usually experienced forward, back, left and right. As in the third dimension, we can see the whole of a two-dimensional figure, in the fourth dimension, we could see the whole of a being, not just physically, inside and out, but the entire lifetime throughout Time as well. As some earth formations can be seen in their entirety from the sky, so is an individual consciousness seen from a fourth dimensional perspective. This allows for the development of compassion, understanding and eventually wisdom.Time itself can be experienced as a three-dimensional structure which we do not experience in our perception of space-time. Although in space-time we have traced a line forward in time, in time-space, we can experience the alternate choices that could have been made at any point.
From here, I do not have the experiences or language with which to project higher dimensions, but this is what it seems happens: The consciousness develops in a way that allows it to recognize all Other as Self. When the consciousness expands to include its experiences, the singular consciousness dissolves into an inclusion of all. After being many, the Self becomes One, or Unified, and from an awareness of Being All-That-Is, the Observer recognizes itself as the entire interdimensional sphere, which can also be seen as the first point in 0d.
I imagine a return to the non-dual undifferentiated state for the cycle to begin anew, if that's what happens, but it doesn't matter. In this cosmology, there is an infinity of possibility. Within a the sphere of existence, anything can occur. The sphere can expand infinitely outward and contract infinitely inward. Our scientists spend a lot of time trying to smash particles into finer and finer pieces without recognizing that they will always be able to divide further and expand further.
Our universe, in its various dimensions and densities of background energy is a macrocosm, of which our solar system, planets and bodies are microcosms. At the level of awareness of the universe, it also experiences itself as a microcosm of a greater macro. There is always greater expansion and finer focus in the fractal spiral of our existence in this galaxy and universe.
Although it has not been stated, it is implied that consciousness is a fundamental constituent of existence. The energy which fills space is itself conscious, from light to the gravitic tendencies of our universe, and that is what we are. Our experiences arise from this field; our consciousness shapes it. Remember that our galaxy is moving through space, and our sun is moving through the galaxy, and our planet is moving around the solar system. We have traced a line through space which we have never happened over twice. Every instance exists in space-time/time-space as its own, unique experience.
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